It has been a long time since I’ve worked on, after an earlier version got hacked, I took the site down and neglected to recreate it because it seemed like such a monumental task to bring it back to its former glory. For a while, there seemed little reason to invest in this site, after all, following the end of Star Trek: Enterprise, there was no new canon worth writing about or cataloging. But for the last few years now that’s no longer the case.
We now live in a renaissance of new Star Trek content, constantly released, and I’ve had a lot to say about it. So welcome back to Holodeck3, soon you’ll be seeing the revival of the databank with a slowly growing bit of information available about each series. Don’t expect an encyclopedia, however, because there’s always Memory Alpha for that, but we’ll put up some base information about a lot.
Also expect reviews of new Star Trek episodes with commentary, as well as discussions of the “science” of Star Trek, as I’ve always enjoyed a good technobabble debate.
Finally, I’ve already begun working on restoring the vast archives of past versions of Holodeck3. This is mostly for historical curiosity. Want to remember Rob Chen’s original website? I’m working on restoring it here.
There’s a lot more to come, and if you are interested in helping, reach out to me, the hailing frequencies are open.